In October 2013, a trip to the spectacular Ajanta and Ellora ancient caves in the state of Maharastra, India catalyzed a new integration of my creative expression through video, poetry, photography, and music: work I call, Video Tone Poems™(VTPs). A tone poem is classically defined as a piece of orchestral music, usually in one movement, on a descriptive or rhapsodic theme. I believe the VTPs may be a new auteur genre, using all the visual, poetic, and musical tools and technologies to express a unified vision of one individual’s expression in multiple creative arts.
VTPs focus on three Message categories: (1) Spiritual Messages, reflecting on universal spiritual concepts (some influenced by Indian spiritual ideas and sites), (2) Natural Messages, depicting my experience of Nature (especially in the pristine environment of the Himalayas), and (3) Afflicted Messages, meditations on the human condition, the environment, and technology, all interacting in this, The Age of the Anthropocene (where H.sapiens is a sometimes very destructive, force of Nature).
Some of the poems used in the VTPs are found in my books,The World in You, and You in the World,
I have drawn on the tone poem musical form and expanded it into a conceptual and meditative collage that hopes to stop/engage the viewer in the roar of our 24/7 lives…and in that brief moment allow a connection to the higher wisdom emanating from Spirit and Nature and how they mirror our existential challenges.